Floor or Roof Opening Fall Protection Guardrail

Roof Fall Protection Guardrail System - Custom Painted Rail

Chiller GuardRail on Medical Device Office Facility

Manufacturing Plant Fall Protection Guardrail
Dakota Safety's ballasted, non-penetrating guardrail handrail systems for temporary roof-edge fall protection on an automotive parts manufacturing facility. The SafetyRail2000 system is a ballasted guardrail handrail system that isnonpenetrating and meets OSHA requirements for a fall-protection guardrail system. Contact us today for a quote or to request additional info. Dakota Safety's non-penetrating guardrail handrail systems for temporary roof-edge fall protection. The SafetytRail2000 system is a ballasted roof safety guardrail handrail system, nonpenetrating and meets OSHA requirements for fall-protection guardrail system. Contact us today @ 866-503-7245 or for a quote / request additional info.

Roof Hatch Next to a Roof Leading Edge Fall Situation
SketchUp video demonstrating the SafetyRail2000, non-penetrating, OSHA Compliant, fall protection guard rail system with a SafetyRail2000 ParaRail protecting a roof hatch that is located next a roof leading edge fall situation pr

Med Center Roof Non-Penetrating Fall Protection Guardrail
Dakota Safety 866-503-7245
Before and After pictures of the SafetyRail2000 Architectural Series in various applications for non-penetrating ballasted roof fall protection system. This system has the straight stanchions and galvanized finished. It is shown along leading edges next solar panels and mechanical equipment.

Dakota Safety Architectural Rail Series Overview

Dakota Safety's 3D Drawing Capabilities Part #1

Permaline Permanent Warning Flag System in 60 secs

Base Pads for SafetyRail2000 bases

SafetyRail2000 StealthRail, Collapsible, Non-Penetrating Fall Protection GuardRail June 2013

How To Set up the SafetyRail2000 Non-Penetrating Fall Protection Guardrail System
One of the biggest questions we get asked a lot is how do we set up safetyrail2000, SR2K, non-penetrating roof fall protection guardrail system. MichaelAngelo demonstrates how to set it up.