
The IBC and OSHA Guardrail Requirements
The International Building Code (IBC) and OSHA have a lot in common. Do you know where their standards overlap? Are you in compliance?
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Beyond Repair: Knowing When to Invest in New Equipment
In all industries, there comes a time when a business must evaluate a piece of equipment that is nearing the end of its lifespan and ask an important question: can it be repaired or does it need to be replaced?
For many industries, there’s a bit of wiggle room when it comes to squeezing a few more uses out of a piece of equipment. After all, what’s the worst that can happen if you continue using a laptop that’s on its last leg or an appliance that’s out of date?
On the other hand, safety and fall protection equipment is an area where you can’t afford to take chances.

How Much Will Fall Protection Cost Me?
Falls are a significant cause of serious injuries. In most cases, the failure to use any kind of fall protection equipment has led to many unfortunate tragedies.
One small mistake can kill. Many people think that as long as they spend a lot of money on fall protection, they’re doing the right thing. The truth is fall protection doesn’t only involve planning, training, and appropriate use of personal protective equipment; it also includes regular inspections and proper maintenance.
For your own safety and the safety of others, it’s important to know the basic types of fall protection and what works best for each situation and your budget. Understanding the concept of fall protection correctly will safeguard you from falls as well as minimize potential damage and losses resulting from possible incidents.

Portable Railing Systems – A Beginner’s Guide
It only takes a second. Someone is going about their business and a quick distraction causes them to trip, maybe fall. On a flat surface, this could mean nothing; but near an unprotected edge, falls can pose serious risks and result in broken materials, injuries, or even fatalities. In 2014, falls accounted for 40% of fatalities in construction.
Some risks can’t always be avoided, but they can be managed by putting preventative measures in place. Trips and stumbles may still happen, but railings will significantly reduce the danger to your workers. OSHA standards require employers to use some combination of guardrail systems, safety nets, or harnesses at their worksites.

Fixed Point Anchors and How to Properly Install Them
At Dakota Safety, we believe in the power of fall protection guardrails. But, we also admit passive fall protection isn’t always applicable to every situation. For construction sites, roofing tasks, or sites that need guardrails removed, an active fall protection solution is required, like a safety harness. That being said, a harness is only as good as its anchor point.
Anchorage points are your connection point to a solid structure. Required by OSHA standard 1910.66, each worker’s personal fall arrest system must have a reliable point of attachment for lifelines, lanyards, or deceleration devices. Anchor points can be beneficial if your work site is temporary or your workers need to cover lots of ground.